Growth plan 2019 - 23
FY 2021
~€ 1.5 billion euros of investments
FY 2022 guidance
+40% cumulative
2019-23 AMBITION
Base year 2018 3.5 billion €
Ambition 2023
+2.0 billion euros of investments
Base year 2018 0.86 €
Ambition 2024
+45% cumulative
Objectives within reach
New growth plan 2022 - 25: From External to External Growth+
Within the framework of the 2019-23 growth plan, WDP has identified a complete package of investments of 1.5 billion euros by the end of 2021, accounting for three quarters of the targeted cumulative volume of 2.0 billion euros). Given WDP’s ambition of EPRA Earnings of 1.20 euros for 2022, the ambitions set to date – including EPRA Earnings per share of at least 1.25 euros in 2024 (and originally 1.15 euros in 2023) – are achievable one year earlier. In that context, WDP wishes to start a new chapter in its growth trajectory.
2025 Objectives
Based on: net debt / EBITDA (adj.) ±8x
EPRA EPS 2021 (Base year 2021)
Portfolio (Base year 2021)
The WDP Climate Action Plan outlines the ambitious path that WDP will take to achieve net zero throughout its entire value chain (scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2050, taking into account a 1.5 °C scenario and the ambitious objectives of the EU Green Deal. This plan provides a clear framework that addresses both climate risks and business opportunities.
M.A.D.E. for FUTURE: the objective of this climate action plan is clearly linked to the WDP operating activities, namely Material use, Adaptation, Decarbonisation, and Electrification. The plan is the basis for the roll-out of three tracks, each with clear, ambitious, and transparent objectives:
Your energy service provider
Reducing our environmental footprint
A sustainable & future-proof WDP